Lenten Bible Study
This study will be on the Chapter of Mark and will be a work at your own pace type study. If you would like to work ahead and the video along with the questions are not yet posted, please call or email the church office and we will get you the questions.
Mark, Chapter 4 Study
Questions to think about from Chapter 4
1) In Mark’s gospel, Jesus’ disciples often fail him. They often look foolish. Why do you think Mark would include such compromising information about Jesus’ closest disciples? What might be his purpose for disclosing this?
2) In verses 24 and 25 of chapter 4, Jesus says, “Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given to you. For those who have, more will be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” What do you make of this? Does it make sense to you? Do these words seem offensive to you? Do they provide some comfort? Or, maybe they cause other emotions or feelings to well up? How so? What do you make of this?
3) As a person looks back on one’s life, obviously there are times when we have not been “good soil” so to speak. When were these times in your life? And, when you were in these times of other than good soil, why was that? During those times, do you feel God was less communicative? Or, do you feel it was more the case of you just not listening?
4) Bonus Question Do you think God can work though evil? If he can, does he work through evil? How so? Is God in any way responsible for evil in the world? How so?
Mark, Chapter 3 Study
Questions to think about from Chapter
1)Perhaps some of you, like me, grew up in a state that still had blue laws—laws that prohibited businesses from opening on Sunday. If you have experienced such, what things, if any, do you feel were beneficial about the blue laws? What was not so helpful? Has your mind changed on any of this since you were young?
2) Have you ever overlooked your differences with another individual or group you considered an enemy, to oppose what you considered to be another, possibly greater enemy? Was it worth it? How and/or how not?
3) In what ways, do you feel, Jesus is now addressing the needs of people in the world as no one or no other entity currently is? What is needed from Jesus? How is he addressing this? Is his church making any inroads in this? What is needed from the church?
4) In what ways are you truly following Jesus?
5) Are there any times in your life, as you perceive them now, where you think you were expecting Jesus to follow you, rather than the other way around? What about now?
Mark, Chapter 2 Study
Questions to think about from Chapter 2
1) Do you or have you seen “the law” as it is presented in and/or interpreted from the scriptures, misused and abused? How so?
2) Has there ever been a time in your life when you feel you might have misused or abused the law? How so, and why? 3) What can we do to right any such wrongs?
Mark, Chapter 1 Study
Questions to think about from Chapter 1
1) Throughout Mark’s Gospel the words “Immediately” and “at once” appear very often. It is a theme in Mark. At this point, what do you think all this immediacy is meant to be about?
2) In Mark 1:10, Mark writes: “And just as (Jesus) was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him.” The “heavens” here are depicted almost like a “wall” or some “fabric” erected between us and God. Where did this barrier come form? Do you think it originated with God, or with humans? Or, is it just a natural thing?
3) The Spirit, in this same verse, is depicted as a seemingly invading force. Is this, for you, a comforting image or a threatening image? Or, is it something else for you?
4) Chapter 1 of Mark makes mention that the demons recognize Jesus as God– the Son of God. Jesus is determined to silence them in this talk. Why do you think Jesus was always silencing them?